Finding your Local Government Election Candidates

Please note: enrolments for this year’s local government elections have now closed

Local Government elections are fast approaching to finish off our trifecta election year in SA, and now that nominations have closed and been finalised you can check out who you can vote for.

In order to find out who’s running in your area you’ll need to know which council area, and in many councils, which ward (a specific geographic section of a council area - an electorate inside an electorate, if you will) you’re in.

If you’re not sure of your council area or ward you can search for it here using your address.

Generally you’ll be asked to vote for a Mayor and other representatives for your ward, but it depends on the number of candidates that nominated. If the number of people who nominated for a seat equals the number of seats available (or less) there an election isn’t required and the nominees are elected.

Over on the ECSA website you can find your local government area and the candidates running, along with information about themselves and contact details you can use to reach them. This period before the elections begin is a great opportunity to reach out to candidates with any questions you might have before voting.

Happy voting!